Ôn luyện đề thi olympic Toán AMC Úc số 5 cho khối lớp 2 & 3

Các em cùng ôn luyện đề thi olympic Toán AMC Úc số 5 cho khối lớp 2 & 3, các câu hỏi trong bài thi đều sử dụng bằng tiếng Anh, vì thế muốn làm bài tốt các em phải hiểu được đầu bài yêu cầu gì. Đối với học sinh kỹ năng tiếng Anh kém thì có thể học nắm bắt các từ khóa chính trong câu hỏi để hiểu và làm bài. Còn các phương pháp giải, cách giải các dạng bài để các em có thể vận dụng thì thầy đang và sẽ cập nhật dần lên trang trong phần Phương Pháp Giải Toán, các em chú ý theo dõi.

Câu hỏi Đề thi olympic Toán AMC Úc số 5 cho khối lớp 2 & 3

Câu 1: How many 1 × 1 squares are in this diagram ?

câu 1 bao nhiêu hình vuông ôn luyện đề thi toán amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3 số 5

A. 16

B. 18

C. 20

D. 24

E. 25

Câu 2: What is half of 2020 ?

A. 20

B. 101

C. 110

D. 1001

E. 1010

Câu 3: What is the perimeter of this triangle ?

câu 3 chu vi tam giác đề thi toán amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3 số 5

A. 33 m

B. 34 m

C. 35 m

D. 36 m

E. 37 m

Câu 4: I stepped on the train at 8.48 am and got off at 9.21 am. How many minutes did I spend on the train ?

A. 27

B. 33

C. 43

D. 87

E. 93

Câu 5: What is the value of y in this triangle ?

câu 5 tìm giá trị y đề thi olympic toán amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

A. 10

B. 30

C. 50

D. 70

E. 90

Câu 6: 2 – (0 – (2 – 0)) = …

A. -4

B. -2

C. 0

D. 2

E. 4

Câu 7: In the grid, the total of each row is given at the end of the row, and the total of each column is given at the bottom of the column. The value of N is …

câu 7 n bằng bao nhiêu toán amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

Câu 8: A letter G is rotated clockwise by 135^o. Which of the following pictures best represents the final image ?

câu 8 g hiển thị hình nào toán amc úc khối lớp 2 - 3

Câu 9: dfrac{1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5}{1 + 2 + 3 + 4} – dfrac{1 + 2}{1 + 2 + 3} = …

A. 3

B. dfrac{5}{6}

C. 1

D. dfrac{7}{6}

E. 2

Câu 10: Sebastien is thinking of two numbers whose sum is 26 and whose difference is 14. The product of Sebastien’s two numbers is …

A. 80

B. 96

C. 105

D. 120

E. 132

Câu 11: A country consists of two islands as shown on this map. In square kilometres, its area is …

câu 11 số km đề thi toán amc úc số 5 cho lớp 2 lớp 3

A. between 100 and 1000

B. between 1000 and 10 000

C. between 10 000 and 100 000

D. between 10 000 and 100 000

E. greater than 1 000 000

Câu 12: 123456 – 12345 + 1234 – 123 + 12 – 1 = …

A. 33333

B. 101010

C. 111111

D. 122223

E. 112233

Câu 13: Lily is 2020 days old. How old was she on her last birthday ?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

E. 8

Câu 14: A piece of paper is folded twice as shown and cut along the dotted lines.

câu 14 chữ cái nào đúng đề thi toán amc lớp 2 - 3 số 5

Once unfolded, which letter does the piece of paper most resemble ?

A. M

B. O

C. N

D. B

E. V

Câu 15: An equilateral triangle is subdivided into a number of smaller equilateral triangles, as shown. The shaded triangle has side length 2. What is the perimeter of the large triangle ?

câu 15 chu vi hình tam giác lớn olympic toán amc úc lớp 2 - 3

A. 24

B. 27

C. 30

D. 33

E. 36

Câu 16: Triangle XYS is enclosed by rectangle PQRS as shown in the diagram. In square centimetres, what is the area of triangle XYS ?

câu 16 diện tích tam giác xys toán olympic amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

A. 82

B. 88

C. 94

D. 112

E. 130

Câu 17: Four teams play in a soccer tournament. Each team plays one game against each of the other three teams. Teams earn 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss. After all the games have been played, one team has 6 points, two teams have 4 points and one team has 3 points. How many games ended in a draw ?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

E. 4

Câu 18: An isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 28 cm and sides of integer length. How many different such triangles can be made ?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

E. 9

Câu 19: In the grid shown, the numbers from 1 to 4 must appear once in each row and column. Also, the sum of numbers in each of the four regions separated by red lines must be the same. What is the sum x + y ?

câu 19 tổng x y đề thi toán olympic amc úc khối lớp 2 3

A. 8

B. 7

C. 6

D. 5

E. 4

Câu 20: Anupam has a cardboard square with a perimeter of 400 centimetres. He draws a horizontal line and a vertical line on the square and cuts along these lines to create four rectangles. What is the largest possible sum of the perimeters of these four rectangles, in centimetres ?

A. 400

B. 600

C. 800

D. 1000

E. 1200

Câu 21: The ends of the tangled string shown are pulled in the direction of the arrows so that the string either untangles or forms a simpler knot.

câu 21a đoạn dây nối đề thi toán olympic amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

The ends of the tangled string shown are pulled in the direction of the arrows so that the string either untangles or forms a simpler knot.

câu 21b đáp án đoạn dây nối toán olympic amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

Câu 22: Mr Atkins wrote some homework questions for his class to practise order of operations. One of the questions was 2 + 3 × (4 + 3), with answer 23. However, one of his students just worked from left to right and ignored the brackets, writing 2 + 3 = 5, 5 × 4 = 20, 20 + 3 = 23, the correct answer. Mr Atkins thought that this was fascinating, so he tried to come up with another question where working left to right gave the right answer. He tried 5 + 4× (7 + Box ). What number should he put in the box ?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

E. 10

Câu 23: My friend and I took a maths test with 10 questions. Question 1 was worth 1 mark, question 2 was worth 2 marks, question 3 was worth 3 marks, and so on. Correct answers scored full marks and incorrect answers scored 0 marks. We both scored the same number of marks and correctly answered the same number of questions. However, we didn’t solve exactly the same set of questions as each other. What is the maximum score that I could have received for the test ?

A. 44

B. 46

C. 48

D. 50

E. 52

Câu 24: A light rail network has 21 drivers, but not all of them are required at the same time:

  •  15 drivers are required for the Friday night shift.
  • 12 drivers are required for the Saturday morning shift.
  • 9 drivers are required for the Sunday morning shift

Given that every driver must work on at least one of these shifts, what is the maximum number of drivers that can work on all three shifts ?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

E. 9

Câu 25: A bag contains exactly 50 coins. The coins are either worth 10 cents, 20 cents or 50 cents, and there is at least one of each. The total value of the coins is $10. How many different ways can this occur ?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 8

D. 12

E. 16

Câu 26: The digits 1 to 9 are used exactly once each to make three 3-digit numbers. The second number is three times the first number. The third number is five times the first number. What is the second number ?

Câu 27: Madeleine types her three-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) into this keypad. All three digits are different, but the buttons for the first and second digits share an edge, and the buttons for the second and third digits share an edge. For instance, 563 is a possible PIN, but 536 is not, since 5 and 3 do not share an edge. How many possibilities are there for Madeleine’s PIN ?

câu 27 số pin đề ôn thi toán amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3 số 5

Câu 28: Starting with a 9×9×9 cube, Augusta removed as few 1 × 1 × 1 cubes as possible so that the resulting sculpture had front view, top view and side view all the same, as shown. How many 1 × 1 × 1 cubes did Augusta remove ?

câu 28 bao nhiêu khối đề thi toán amc úc lớp 2 - 3

Câu 29: A different integer from 1 to 10 is placed on each of the faces of a cube. Each vertex is then assigned a number which is the sum of the numbers on the three faces which touch that vertex. Only the vertex numbers are shown here. What is the product of the 4 smallest face numbers ?

câu 29 số bao nhiêu 4 mặt toán olympic amc úc lớp 2 lớp 3

Câu 30: My grandson makes wall hangings by stitching together 16 square patches of fabric into a 4 × 4 grid. I asked him to use patches of  red, blue, green and yellow, but to ensure that no patch touches another of the same colour, not even diagonally. The picture shows an  attempt which fails only because two yellow patches touch diagonally. In how many different ways can my grandson choose to arrange the coloured patches correctly ?

câu 30 bao nhiêu cách đề thi toán amc úc số 5 lớp 2 3

Bên trên là 30 câu hỏi của đề thi olympic Toán AMC Úc số 5 cho học sinh khối lớp 2 & 3 tự ôn luyện, các em hãy cố gắng tự làm bài thật tốt. Ngoài đề thi này ra học sinh có thể tham khảo thêm nhiều bài tập cũng như đề thi của các cuộc thi toán tiếng anh olympic quốc tế khác như toán timo, toán hkimo, … 

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